Book of Portia
Creative & Business Productions
The Lady Behind the Scenes
Inspired by others, and wanting to do something passionate, I discovered that I love to write, talk educate, and help others. Personally, it bothers me to see others get messed over or experience a bad outcome due to their lack of knowledge. It truly triggers me to hear people say in certain situations, " I didn't know or no one ever told me that." My response would be to help a person immediately or get to a solution, resource, or another person to assist their situation. I know that I can't possibly know everything or reach everyone, that's definitely not my purpose or in my ability to do so. I do know that whatever information I have and God-given gifts or talents, I would love to share them with others. Especially to see others reach a higher level or turn a bad situation around to something positive. I believe my mission is to meet people where they are at and try my best to help them at that point as much as they would allow. God said," His people are destroyed for of lack of knowledge." - Hosea 4:6 In my company I will be sharing business & credit education along with services to jumpstart businesses and showcase my creative writing skillset etc. It's a new journey for me, one of many that I have started. I pray this one is the right path God ordained for me to pursue in order to be impactful to Kingdom of God, my community & my family. - Portia Peyton Brown
More people are pursuing entrepreneurship and there has been a rapid growth in the industry. If you don't know where to start , I can definitely help you with that!
Whether it's explaining biblical concepts or education pertaining to personal or business credit, I love to share what I know from experience or from other resources.
I know I have at least one good book inside of me and I enjoy writing biblical articles or putting a person's backstory on paper. My skillset doesn't stop there though , I am expanding my horizons daily.